Proceff - Strategic Sourcing

Analyze ... Realize ... Profit

About us:

Proceff Ltd. was established in 2017 with the vision of supporting its customers and clients by implementing and executing Strategic Sourcing processes. Not only do we consult but we also support and cooperate with the goal of achieving our customers' visions, targets and plans. In addition, we help our clients achieve results for specific situations and requirements.

Reliable, quality suppliers (business partners) are necessary in achieving sustainable growth in all companies. Suppliers have a tremendous impact on a company's quality and technical development as well as internal and external process efficiency that further impact a company's profit, cash flow and overall business success. Developing a good relationship with a business's supplier makes a strong team-mate in any company's journey to grow.

Our long-term experience in Strategic Sourcing, project management and operation is a strong base for an effective cooperation with our clients and customers. We do not promise the impossible, conversely we promise cooperation on realistic targets with measurable results instead.